Saturday, July 2, 2011

Clever Disguises

As a reader, you get insight and behind-the-scenes on my numbers that most people don't get. You get to see where things go wrong and how I have to problem solve. This photo shows a little last minute problem solving.

When I made the first two mock-ups of the one-piece outer costume (referred to as the bodice), I tried attaching a panty and making a separate panty to attach. The main issue was that I wasn't strong enough at drafting patterns to make it work. It wasn't working so I bought two panties (one nude, one to match the bodice) and stitched their outsides together -- using them to line each other -- then attached that to the bodice. The now merged bodice unit with attached panty works perfectly but the seam wasn't as clean as I had hoped.

I had to figure out how to dress up the seam. I tried various trims and ribbons I happened to have at le maison de Snapper but nothing looked good. Downtown this morning we found this beautiful trim in the perfect color. Funnily, I used the exact same trim in nude for my adhesive panty for my fan dance. While I have more work added to the project (sewing on the trim), it's worth the extra couple hours to have a costume that looks good.

The best part: the trim was only $4 a yard.
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