Friday, November 19, 2010

NOBF: Stocking Removal with Catherine d'Lish

I'm still catching up from New Orleans!  As you can tell from my blog entries, it's been a very busy month in my burlesque world.  Last night's Peepshow Menagerie reminded me that I need to blog about the stocking class I took with Catherine.

First, let me say that Catherine d'Lish is truly a class act.  Sweet, genuine, funny and caring, I love spending time with her any chance I get.  She oozes sexuality onstage.  She's one of my role models.

I've been doing stocking removals for a couple years and I've seen a lot of stocking removals -- more bad than good.  I took this class to up my game and to do something unique with my stocking removals.  What Catherine taught me paid off at Letter Follies a couple months ago and again at Peepshow Menagerie last night.  I don't like to give away an instructor's livelihood by publicly sharing the precise technique they teach.  Suffice it to say that I did up my game from taking this class and cannot recommend it enough for anyone who wants to look sexy while working with stockings.

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