Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dance Class Challenge: 31/100 - Dance Off the Inches: Fat Burning Jam

Living the rock and roll lifestyle (bed around 3am after a show, up at the late hour of 8am to start the weekend activities) makes it challenging to make it to dance classes sometimes. I'm trying to schedule at least one night class this week so I can keep up the momentum from my April and May intensive studies. After a morning of chores on very little sleep, I decided to stay in my bedclothes and do a Netflix instant fitness video before starting my splits stretches for the day. (What's great about this option is that Mr. Snapper can work on his Rosetta Stone French in the other room while I dance around the living room like an idiot, his pup Buster nipping at my heels part of the time.)

I found the video by typing 'dance' into the search bar on Netflix. The title is very appealing. (I need to burn off that tiramisu from last night's late show where the mister performed.) I don't do well with intensive cardio because of the asthma, so I was curious to see how they would get the fat burning without psycho aerobics. I was pleased with Michelle Dozois's dance video. It contains three simple dance routines, and she teaches the steps to each routine as you go. You're constantly moving, not breaking from one routine to the next. The moves are pretty simple and she repeats them enough that someone new to dance can succeed and have fun with the moves. I got a gentle sweat going as I did the video, and the instructor doesn't insist that you push your body to the point of cramping or potential injury. It was a good workout and I'd revisit the video again ... if I hadn't set up the rules I have for videos.

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